sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012


Who ? - ¿Quién? ¿Quienes?
What ? - ¿Qué? ¿Cuál? ¿Cuáles?
When ? - ¿Cuándo?
Where ? - ¿Dónde? ¿Adónde?
Which ? - ¿Qué? ¿Cuál? ¿Cuáles?
Whose ? - ¿De quién? ¿De quiénes?
Why ? - ¿Por qué? ¿Para qué?
How ? - ¿Cómo? ¿Cuán?

can never be answered with yes/no

*~* WHO: 

information about a person


who is your  father 

who is  that  person whit  the hat?

who do you like best ?
tom or jerry?

*~* WHAT:

information about a thing or something general


what is in  your bag?
what did you do yesterday?
what are they doing?

*~* WHEN:

information about the time something happens

when is your brother's birthday?
when are you going to finish you work?
when are we going home?

*~* WHERE:

information about a place

where are you?
where do you work?
where is the front door rey?
*~* WHICH:

choice between a few possibilities

which book is better, the blue or the red one?
which shirt should i wear?
the pink one the purple one?

which: choice between options
what shirt should i wear?
-> what rind of shirt
what no specific options


who the owner of something is

Example :
whose computer is this
whose car is that
whose bike is this ?
it is Peter's bike?

*~* WHY:

the reason for something

Example :

why is he going home?
why do you want to be a singer?
why are you learning english?

*~* HOW:

the way in which something is done
how+other word:
quality or quantity
how was your trip?
how re you?

 how do you get to london?

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012


The current Olympic Games were inspired by the eighth century BC by the ancient Greeks organized in the city of Olympia, between the years 776. C. and 393 d. C. In the nineteenth century, the idea of making a similar event to organized in antiquity, which would be realized primarily through the efforts of the French nobleman Pierre Fredy, Baron de Coubertin. The first edition of the so-called Olympics of the modern era were held in Athens, capital of Greece. Since that time, the Summer Olympics have been held every four years in different parts of the planet, the only exceptions being the editions of 1916, 1940 and 1944, due to the outbreak of the First and Second World War.

Baron Pierre de Coubertin wrote, early in the twentieth century: "Olympia and the Olympics are symbols of an entire civilization, than countries, cities, military heroes and ancient religions." As a cadet at the Military Academy of St. Cyr, the French nobleman renounced his studies in political science and became interested in sociology and education. He traveled the world and was impressed by the interest of the Anglo-Saxons (British and American) in sports

Olimpic Games

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

This issue has two parts: the verb "to be" in the past tense (was, were), and the simple past.

The simple past tense is used to talk about an action or something that took place in the past and that it has nothing to do with this.

Negation and interrogation of the past simple

To form the simple past questions we have to enforce the auxiliary to do in its past, it did for everyone conjugation. The auxiliary verbs that do not need, like to have, be used past nen (irregular).

Did you go to the party? -> Fuistes to the party?
As shown in the example, the verb is in the present. This is because the auxiliary is one that indicates the past, so that the main verb is placed on this. This must be taken into account.

To deny also used the auxiliary to do in his past form., Accompanying with the main verb in the present tense. The auxiliary verb is contracted with the particle not.

I did not go to the party -> did not go to the party.

Regular verbs, to pass at last, must end in ed. This general rule, because 

there are exceptions discussed next.
To listen (listen) - listened

We just have to add the d when the verb ends in e.
to change (change) - changed

If the last vowel of the verb is formed by consonant-vowel-consonant, and consonant latter is where the accent falls, we have to double this consonant, also if the verb ends in l have to bend.
To stop (stop) - stopped
To travel (Travel) - Travelled

1. we moved to London in 1985
2. I loved all the children
3. I just visited me last month
4. She laked the film