ThecurrentOlympicGameswere inspired by theeighth centuryBCby the ancientGreeksorganizedin the city ofOlympia, between the years776. C.and393d.C.In the nineteenth century, the ideaof makingasimilareventtoorganizedin antiquity, whichwould be realizedprimarilythrough the effortsof theFrench noblemanPierreFredy, Baronde Coubertin. The first edition ofthe so-calledOlympicsof the modern erawereheld in Athens, capitalof Greece. Sincethat time, theSummer Olympicshavebeenheld every fouryears indifferent parts of theplanet, the only exceptions beingthe editionsof 1916, 1940 and 1944, due to the outbreakof the Firstand SecondWorld War.
BaronPierre deCoubertinwrote, early in thetwentiethcentury: "Olympia and the Olympicsare symbolsofan entire civilization, thancountries, cities, military heroesandancientreligions."As acadetat the Military AcademyofSt.Cyr, theFrenchnoblemanrenounced hisstudies in political scienceandbecame interested insociology andeducation. He traveled theworldand was impressed bythe interestofthe Anglo-Saxons(British and American) in sports
This issue has two parts: the verb "to be" in the past tense (was, were), and the simple past. The simple past tense is used to talk about an action or something that took place in the past and that it has nothing to do with this. Negation and interrogation of the past simple
To form the simple past questions we have to enforce the auxiliary to do in its past, it did for everyone conjugation. The auxiliary verbs that do not need, like to have, be used past nen (irregular).
Did you go to the party? -> Fuistes to the party?
As shown in the example, the verb is in the present. This is because the auxiliary is one that indicates the past, so that the main verb is placed on this. This must be taken into account.
To deny also used the auxiliary to do in his past form., Accompanying with the main verb in the present tense. The auxiliary verb is contracted with the particle not.
I did not go to the party -> did not go to the party.
Regular verbs, to pass at last, must end in ed. This general rule, because
there are exceptions discussed next.
To listen (listen) - listened
We just have to add the d when the verb ends in e.
to change (change) - changed
If the last vowel of the verb is formed by consonant-vowel-consonant, and consonant latter is where the accent falls, we have to double this consonant, also if the verb ends in l have to bend.